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NATIONAL MONUMENTS: Zinke indicates he won't shrink Katahdin Woods

NATIONAL MONUMENTS: Zinke indicates he won't shrink Katahdin Woods

Greenwire: Thursday, June 15, 2017

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke yesterday visited Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in Maine, one of the dozens of monuments to be reviewed for downsizing under an order from President Trump.

Zinke compared it to the Bears Ears National Monument in Utah, which he recommended shrinking last week. Bears Ears, he said, "is a little bit bigger than the scope of here. So scaling back I don't think makes a lot of sense for here."

Zinke said he does not imagine Katahdin will be reduced in size but would not absolutely support the monument's status.

Maine Republican Gov. Paul LePage wants the land under state management, something Zinke seemed to reject. The agency head said he was "not an advocate for sale or transfer of public land."

The monument was designated in August 2016 by President Obama (Kevin Miller, Portland [Maine] Press Herald, June 14). — NB

Submitted: 06/19/17
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