4x4 News


Tell us what you think: Washington state recreation pass and permit system.

Tell us what you think: Washington state recreation pass and permit system


WOHVA is partnering with DNR, WDFWWashington State Parks and other user groups in a study by Washington State University (WSU) to identify opportunities to simplify the state’s recreation pass and permit system, help increase access to our public outdoor recreation lands and find ways to ensure our public lands are adequately funded. To delve a bit deeper into this, WSU is conducting a survey of Washington residents to understand your outdoor recreation activities on public lands and your  perspectives on the current pass and permit system and funding of public lands. Your responses to this survey (approximately 10-15 minutes) will remain confidential and help us develop informed recommendations on how to improve our state’s recreation pass and permit system. Click here to take the survey. You can learn more about the project on WSU's website

Thanks for helping us and our State partners design a better pass/permit stem.

Your WOHVA Board


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This communication is being sent to all current and former WOHVA members. 

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Washington Off Highway Vehicle Alliance

PO Box 61161

SeattleWA 98141

Submitted: 08/15/17
Article By: not specified