Ahtanum Clean UP This Weekend
July 22 - 10th Annual Ahtanum State Forest Trails Clean Up https://www.facebook.com/events/725418164290716/
10th Annual Ahtanum State Forest Trails Clean-up
Hosted by Eastern Washington Adventures
with cooperation from the Department of Natural Resources.
Sponsored by Selah Sweets
10 AM Saturday at the Red Saddle Trailhead.
** This event is eligible for a voucher towards a complimentary Discover Pass.
Directions: From I-82 take Valley Mall Blvd Exit. From Valley Mall Blvd continue west to Longfiber Road. Turn left on Longfiber Rd. to Ahtanum Rd. Turn right on Ahtanum Rd. Follow Ahtanum Rd. for 11-12 miles to Tampico Store and West Valley Fire Dept. Stay to the right; this will be the N. Fork Rd. Follow N. Fork Rd approximately 10 miles to end of pavement. Cross bridge, continue uphill past the Ahtanum Guard Station. Take the next left, drop of hill and the Red Saddle Trailhead is on your right. Please sign in at the Eastern Washington Adventures base camp.
The clean up area trails are on Sedge Ridge, Whites Ridge, and Foundation Ridge. This may include 4W613, Strobach trail, Blue Lake Trail and the Darland loop. The hours including your travel time are counted and help get funding for the Ahtanum State forest.
For more info e-mail Clay Graham at SelahAdventures@outlook.com
July 23, 24, 25 - Ahtanum ORV Trail Maintenance https://www.facebook.com/events/362494037445975
Aug 5 - Naneum Ridge State Forest Maintenance https://www.facebook.com/events/1876143442615708
Oct 21 - Slab ORV Area Fall Clean Up https://www.facebook.com/events/1184261935004332
Nov 4 -Beverly Dunes Fall Clean Up https://www.facebook.com/events/396871910649095
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